Latest 17th Feb 2023 Current Affairs News for Exam Prep

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What is India's rank on Global Quality Infrastructure Index?

A: 1st
B: 4th
C: 5th
D: 10th

The answer is: C


According to the recent Global Quality Infrastructure Index (GQII) 2021, which ranks 184 economies based on the quality of infrastructure (QI), India's national accreditation system under the Quality Council of India (QCI) has been ranked 5th in the world. This is a notable achievement for India, as it highlights the country's commitment to ensuring high-quality infrastructure that meets global standards. The GQII ranking is based on several factors, including a country's legal and regulatory framework, the availability of infrastructure, the quality of institutions and services, and the level of human capital. India's ranking in the GQII is expected to enhance its reputation as a provider of high-quality infrastructure and boost its economy.