Interdisciplinary Psychology for Managers (B.Com) 1st Sem Previous Year Solved Question Paper 2022

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Explain the components of attitude.


Attitude is a complex psychological concept that represents a person’s evaluation, feelings, and beliefs about a particular object, person, group, event, or idea. Attitudes have three main components:

1. Cognitive Component: This component relates to an individual’s thoughts, beliefs, and knowledge about the object of their attitude. It represents what a person knows and believes about the subject. For example, if someone has a positive attitude towards environmental conservation, their cognitive component might include beliefs about the importance of protecting the environment, facts about pollution, and knowledge of conservation efforts.

2. Affective Component: This component involves the emotional or feeling aspect of an attitude. It reflects the individual’s emotional response or how they feel about the object of their attitude. Continuing with the example of environmental conservation, the affective component might involve feelings of concern, empathy, or passion for the environment.

3. Behavioral Component: The behavioral component of attitude pertains to a person’s intentions, actions, or behavior in relation to the object of their attitude. It represents how an individual is likely to behave or act based on their attitude. In the context of environmental conservation, the 
behavioral component might include actions like recycling, reducing energy consumption, or participating in conservation programs.

These three components are interconnected and influence each other. For example, a person’s beliefs (cognitive component) can shape their emotions (affective component), which in turn can influence their behavior (behavioral component). Attitudes play a crucial role in shaping how individuals perceive and interact with the world around them. Understanding these components is valuable in various fields, including psychology, marketing, and social sciences, as they help predict and explain human behavior and decision-making.