PGLAW 2015 Panjab University Entrance Exam With Answers

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Choose The Set Of Words For Each Blank Which Best Fits The MEANING OF THE SENTENCE As A Whole :

The New-Age Scooter Is Perfect ____________ Just As A Commute Option For Women, But Is Functional Enough For Men ______________

A: Neither – nor
B: Not – too
C: Vehicle – also
D: For – Well

The answer is: B


The correct answer is B: "Not – too"

The sentence is discussing the suitability of a new-age scooter as a mode of transportation for both men and women. The phrase "not too" means "to the same degree" or "equally," indicating that the scooter is equally functional for both men and women.

Option A, "neither - nor," implies that the scooter is not suitable for either men or women, which is not the intended meaning of the sentence. Option C, "vehicle - also," is grammatically incorrect, as "also" cannot be used in this way to connect two ideas. Option D, "for - well," does not accurately convey the intended meaning of the sentence. Therefore, option B is the best choice as it properly conveys the meaning of the sentence.