Haryana Judicial Service (Civil Judge) Prelims 2013 Previous Year Question Papers with MCQ Answers

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Which of the following is True ?

A: There cannot be further cross-examination after re-examination.
B: There can be further cross-examination after re-examination as per Section 137
C: There can be further cross-examination after re-examination as per Section 138
D: There can be further cross-examination after re-examination as per Section 139.

The answer is: C


The correct option is C: There can be further cross-examination after re-examination as per Section 138.


In legal proceedings, cross-examination and re-examination are important stages of examining witnesses. Cross-examination is the questioning of a witness by the opposing party after the witness has been examined-in-chief (initial questioning by the party who called the witness). Re-examination, on the other hand, occurs when the party who called the witness is allowed to ask further questions to clarify or rebut matters that arose during cross-examination.

Section 138 of the law presumably allows for further cross-examination after re-examination. This means that after a witness has been re-examined, the opposing party can continue to cross-examine the witness on any new matters that arose during the re-examination. This provision ensures fairness and thoroughness in the examination process by allowing both parties to address any new issues that may have emerged during the course of the trial.

Therefore, option C is correct, as it states that further cross-examination can indeed occur after re-examination as per Section 138.