Biology : PU-CET (U.G) 2016 Panjab University Entrance Exam With Answers

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Which One Of The Following Regarding Embryonic Development In Humans Is Correct ?

A: Cleavage Brings About Considerable Increase In The Mass Of Protoplasm
B: In The Second Cleavage Division, One Of The Two Blastomeres Usually A Little Sonner Than The Second
C: With More Cleavage Divisions, The Resultant Blastomeres Become Larger And Larger
D: Cleavage Division Results In A Solid Ball Of Cells Called Morula

The answer is: D


D: Cleavage Division Results In A Solid Ball Of Cells Called Morula is the correct option regarding embryonic development in humans.

During embryonic development, the zygote undergoes a series of cell divisions called cleavage. These divisions lead to the formation of a solid ball of cells called a morula. The morula then undergoes further divisions to form a hollow ball of cells called a blastula, which eventually develops into the gastrula.

Option A is incorrect because cleavage does not bring about a considerable increase in the mass of protoplasm. Rather, it divides the zygote into smaller cells.

Option B is incorrect because both blastomeres usually divide at the same time during the second cleavage division.

Option C is incorrect because with more cleavage divisions, the resultant blastomeres become smaller and smaller, not larger and larger.