Environment And Road Safety Education And Violence Against Women And Children And Drug Abuse 2017 Exam With Answers

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Which part of the atmosphere screens out the harmful radiation from the sun ?

A: Oxygen
B: Carbon
C: Ozone
D: Nitrogen

The answer is: C


The correct answer is (C) Ozone.

The ozone layer, which is a region of the Earth's stratosphere, screens out the harmful radiation from the sun. Ozone (O3) molecules in the ozone layer absorb a portion of the Sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation, particularly the high-energy UV-B and UV-C rays. This absorption process helps in protecting life on Earth from the harmful effects of excessive UV radiation, such as skin cancer, cataracts, and damage to the environment. Oxygen (option A) and nitrogen (option D) are major components of the atmosphere but do not have the same protective properties against harmful radiation as the ozone layer. Carbon (option B) is not directly involved in the screening of harmful radiation from the sun.