Environment And Road Safety Education And Violence Against Women And Children And Drug Abuse 2018 Exam With Answers

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Who is called as The Father of Biodiversity?

A: J.L. Westoby
B: E Haeckel
C: Robert Augst
D: E.O. Wilson

The answer is: D


The person commonly referred to as "The Father of Biodiversity" is E.O. Wilson. The correct answer is (d) E.O. Wilson.

Edward Osborne Wilson, known as E.O. Wilson, is an eminent American biologist and conservationist. He is highly regarded for his extensive contributions to the field of biodiversity and his work on sociobiology, ecology, and evolutionary biology. Wilson has made significant contributions to our understanding of the importance of biodiversity and its conservation.

It's worth noting that while other individuals such as J.L. Westoby, Ernst Haeckel, and Robert Augst have also made notable contributions to the field of biology, the title "The Father of Biodiversity" is commonly associated with E.O. Wilson.