Environment And Road Safety Education And Violence Against Women And Children And Drug Abuse 2018 Exam With Answers

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Propensity of pollutants to become concentrated at successive trophic levels is called :

A: Bioremediation
B: Biomagnification
C: Biopiracy
D: Biorhythm

The answer is: B


The correct answer is (b) Biomagnification.

Biomagnification refers to the tendency of certain pollutants or substances to become increasingly concentrated as they move up the food chain or successive trophic levels in an ecosystem. This process occurs when organisms at lower trophic levels consume contaminated food or water, absorbing the pollutants into their tissues. As these organisms are consumed by higher-level consumers, the concentration of pollutants in their bodies increases because the pollutants are not easily metabolized or eliminated.

The process of biomagnification is particularly significant for persistent and non-biodegradable pollutants such as certain pesticides, heavy metals (e.g., mercury), and certain industrial chemicals. As these pollutants accumulate in the tissues of organisms at higher trophic levels, the concentrations can reach potentially harmful levels, posing risks to top predators or even to humans who consume contaminated organisms.

Bioremediation, on the other hand, refers to the use of living organisms (such as bacteria, fungi, or plants) to detoxify or remove pollutants from contaminated environments. Biopiracy relates to the unauthorized use or exploitation of biological resources or traditional knowledge by individuals or organizations without proper consent or compensation. Biorhythm refers to cyclical patterns or biological rhythms in organisms.

Therefore, the correct term for the propensity of pollutants to become concentrated at successive trophic levels is biomagnification (option b).