Environment And Road Safety Education And Violence Against Women And Children And Drug Abuse 2018 Exam With Answers

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Which of the following is an adverse effect of modern agriculture ?

A: Water scarcity
B: Water pollution
C: Water logging
D: All of the above

The answer is: D


The correct answer is (d) All of the above.

Modern agriculture practices can have adverse effects on the environment, and specifically on water resources. Here's a breakdown of the adverse effects mentioned in the options:

(a) Water scarcity: Modern agriculture, particularly intensive irrigation methods, can put significant pressure on water resources, leading to water scarcity in certain regions. Excessive water usage for irrigation can deplete freshwater sources, resulting in reduced availability of water for other purposes.

(b) Water pollution: The use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides in modern agriculture can contribute to water pollution. When these substances are applied to crops, they can wash off into nearby water bodies through runoff or leaching. This runoff can contaminate water sources, affecting aquatic ecosystems and potentially harming human health.

(c) Water logging: Improper water management practices in agriculture, such as over-irrigation or poor drainage systems, can lead to water logging. Water logging occurs when the soil becomes excessively saturated with water, resulting in reduced oxygen availability to plant roots and negatively impacting crop growth and productivity.

Therefore, all of the mentioned options, (a) Water scarcity, (b) Water pollution, and (c) Water logging, are adverse effects associated with modern agriculture.