Environment And Road Safety Education And Violence Against Women And Children And Drug Abuse 2018 Exam With Answers

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Categories of road signs does not include :

A: Hand signs
B: Regulatory signs
C: Warning signs
D: Informatory signs

The answer is: A


The correct answer is (A) Hand signs.

The categories of road signs typically recognized in traffic regulations and guidelines include:

(B) Regulatory signs: These signs provide specific instructions or regulations that must be followed by road users, such as speed limits, no entry, stop, yield, etc.

(C) Warning signs: These signs alert drivers to potential hazards or dangerous conditions ahead, such as curves, intersections, pedestrian crossings, slippery roads, etc.

(D) Informatory signs: These signs provide information to road users about directions, destinations, distances, services, facilities, etc. They are generally used to guide drivers and help them navigate.

Hand signs, on the other hand, are not considered an official category of road signs. Hand signals are used by pedestrians, cyclists, and sometimes by drivers to communicate their intentions on the road, such as indicating a turn or stop. However, they are not standardized traffic signs like the ones mentioned above.