Environment And Road Safety Education And Violence Against Women And Children And Drug Abuse 2019 Exam With Answers

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Which of the following is an emergency vehicle and requires free passage ?

A: A bus carrying passengers
B: Ambulance
C: A fire service vehicle
D: (B) and (C)

The answer is: D


The correct answer is:

(D) (B) and (C).

An emergency vehicle is a vehicle that is used by emergency services to respond to emergencies and requires free passage to reach their destination quickly and safely. In the given options:

(B) Ambulance: An ambulance is a dedicated emergency vehicle used for transporting individuals who are in need of immediate medical attention. It is crucial for ambulances to have unimpeded access to ensure timely medical assistance to patients.

(C) A fire service vehicle: Fire service vehicles, such as fire engines or fire trucks, are emergency vehicles used by firefighters to respond to fires and other emergencies. These vehicles require free passage to reach the scene of the incident promptly and provide necessary firefighting and rescue services.

Both ambulances and fire service vehicles fall under the category of emergency vehicles and should be given priority and free passage on the road when their sirens are active or emergency lights are flashing. Other vehicles should yield to these vehicles to facilitate their swift movement and enable them to carry out their life-saving tasks efficiently.