Environment And Road Safety Education And Violence Against Women And Children And Drug Abuse 2019 Exam With Answers

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Section 370A of IPC is law relating to :

A: Exploitation of a trafficked person
B: Exploitation of a trafficked minor
C: Exploitation of a trafficked girl
D: All of the above

The answer is: A


The correct answer is:

(A) Exploitation of a trafficked person.

Section 370A of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) relates to the law concerning the exploitation of a trafficked person. It specifically addresses the offense of exploitation of a person who has been trafficked.

Under Section 370A, whoever knowingly exploits a trafficked person by engaging them in forced labor, subjecting them to slavery, or using them for sexual exploitation, forced begging, or removal of organs, shall be subject to punishment. This section aims to protect trafficked individuals from further exploitation and to hold perpetrators accountable for their actions.

It's important to note that while Section 370A focuses on the exploitation of trafficked persons in general, specific provisions within the IPC address the exploitation of trafficked minors or girls separately. The options (B) and (C) mentioned do not accurately reflect the scope of Section 370A.