Environment And Road Safety Education And Violence Against Women And Children And Drug Abuse 2020 Exam With Answers

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For the ecological balance, the forest cover should be at least .......... of the total geographical area of a country

A: 23%
B: 33%
C: 43%
D: 53%

The answer is: B


For the ecological balance, the forest cover should be at least 33% of the total geographical area of a country.

Maintaining a significant forest cover is crucial for ecological balance as forests play a vital role in regulating the climate, conserving biodiversity, protecting watersheds, and providing various ecosystem services. The 33% target is often cited as a guideline for countries to strive for in order to ensure sustainable development and the preservation of natural resources. However, it's important to note that the specific forest cover requirements may vary based on the unique ecological characteristics and needs of each country.