Environment And Road Safety Education And Violence Against Women And Children And Drug Abuse 2022 Exam With Answers

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What is the noise pollution level of a Space Vehicle launch?

A: 110 db
B: 90 db
C: 105 db
D: 140 - 170 db

The answer is: D


The noise pollution level of a space vehicle launch can range from approximately 140 to 170 decibels (dB) at the launch site. Option D, 140-170 dB, represents the most accurate range among the given options.

Space vehicle launches generate extremely loud noise due to the powerful rocket engines and the sonic booms produced during launch and ascent. These noise levels are significantly higher than what is considered safe for human hearing, and they can cause potential hearing damage if experienced at close proximity.

It's important to note that the actual noise levels can vary depending on factors such as the specific rocket and propulsion system being used, the launch site location, and the distance of measurement from the launch pad. Launch operators and space agencies take measures to ensure safety and mitigate the impact of noise pollution on nearby communities and the environment. Safety zones are established, and launch sites are typically located in remote areas to minimize the exposure of people to excessive noise levels.