M.Sc. Bio-Physics (PU-CET P.G) 2018 Panjab University Entrance Exam With Answers

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Folding of any protein involved a sampling of all possible conformation available to it and involves specific pathways. Amongst these stages which must occur during the folding of proteins, which of the following statement regarding the protein folding is incorrect:-

A: The formation of elements of recognizable secondary structure (helices, sheets, turns etc.)
B: The collapse of the extended polypeptide chain to form a more compact state in which the polar side chains are largely burried away from the solvent
C: The formation of the distinct long range interactions which characterize the native tertiary structure and are a pre-requisite for the formation of specific binding and the catalytic sites.
D: The association between the submits in the oligomeric proteins

The answer is: B