Indian Economy (B.Com) 5th Sem Previous Year Solved Question Paper 2022

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Why government promotes privatisation in India?


The promotion of privatization in India by the government can be attributed to several reasons:

1. Economic Efficiency: Proponents argue that privatization can lead to increased efficiency and productivity in industries that were previously state-owned. Private companies often have stronger incentives to operate efficiently and profitably.

2. Fiscal Relief: Privatization can provide governments with an infusion of funds through the sale of state-owned assets, helping reduce fiscal deficits and debt burdens.

3. Reduced Government Intervention: Privatization reduces the government’s involvement in managing businesses, allowing it to focus on core functions like policy-making and regulation.

4. Innovation and Competition: The entry of private companies can foster innovation and competition, leading to better services and products for consumers.

5. Job Creation: Privatization can potentially create jobs in the private sector and reduce the burden on the government to provide employment.

6. Expertise and Management: Private companies often bring specialized expertise and management skills to industries, which can lead to improved operations.

However, it’s worth noting that the effectiveness of privatization varies across industries and regions, and it can be a subject of debate, as it may sometimes lead to job losses, increased prices for essential services, and other concerns. The government’s approach to privatization should ideally balance these factors with the public interest.