L.L.M (Master Of Laws) PU-CET P.G 2016 Panjab University Entrance Exam With Answers

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Which Of The Following Is True ?

A: An Eye For An Eye Is Deterrent Theory
B: Causing Fear To Refrain A Criminal Is Retributive Theory
C: Prevention Is Better Than Cure Is Covered By Reformative Theory
D: Treating Criminals As Sick Persons Is Covered By Reformative Theory

The answer is: D


Let's go through each statement and evaluate its accuracy:

A: "An Eye For An Eye Is Deterrent Theory"

This statement is incorrect. "An eye for an eye" is not a deterrent theory, but rather a concept known as retributive justice. Retributive justice is based on the idea that punishment should be proportional to the harm caused by the crime, often expressed in the popular phrase "an eye for an eye." It focuses on retribution and seeking justice through punishment, rather than deterring future criminal behavior.

B: "Causing Fear To Refrain A Criminal Is Retributive Theory"

This statement is also incorrect. Causing fear to deter criminals is actually associated with a different theory called the deterrence theory. The deterrence theory suggests that the fear of punishment can prevent potential criminals from committing crimes. It focuses on the notion that individuals will refrain from criminal behavior if they believe the consequences will be severe and outweigh the benefits of the crime.

C: "Prevention Is Better Than Cure Is Covered By Reformative Theory"

This statement is incorrect. The phrase "prevention is better than cure" does not specifically align with the reformative theory. The reformative theory, also known as the rehabilitative theory, emphasizes the idea of reforming and rehabilitating offenders rather than focusing solely on punishment. It aims to address the root causes of criminal behavior and provide rehabilitation programs to reintegrate offenders back into society.

D: "Treating Criminals As Sick Persons Is Covered By Reformative Theory"

This statement is correct. The reformative theory does advocate for treating criminals as sick persons. It views criminal behavior as a symptom of deeper issues, such as psychological, social, or environmental factors. Instead of simply punishing offenders, the reformative theory proposes treating them as individuals in need of rehabilitation, similar to treating someone who is sick. The focus is on addressing the underlying causes of criminal behavior and providing appropriate treatment and support to facilitate their reintegration into society.

To summarize, the correct statement is:

D: "Treating Criminals As Sick Persons Is Covered By Reformative Theory"