L.L.M (Master Of Laws) PU-CET P.G 2016 Panjab University Entrance Exam With Answers

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Right To Private Defence Of Property Falls Short Of Causing Death In

A: Robbery
B: House Breaking By Night
C: Mischief By Fire Committed On A Place Used As Human Dwelling
D: Mischief Causing Apprehension Of Hurt

The answer is: D


The correct answer is D: Mischief Causing Apprehension of Hurt.

The right to private defense of property allows a person to use reasonable force to protect their property from unlawful interference or trespass. However, this right has certain limitations, and causing death is generally not considered a justifiable action in most cases of property defense.

In options A, B, and C, the scenarios involve offenses against property (robbery, house breaking by night, mischief by fire committed on a place used as a human dwelling), but they do not pose an immediate threat of causing death or serious bodily harm. Therefore, the right to private defense of property does not extend to causing death in these situations.

Option D, "Mischief causing apprehension of hurt," suggests a situation where there is an imminent threat of harm or injury to a person. In such a case, the right to private defense of property may extend to using force that could potentially cause death if it is necessary to protect oneself or others from harm. However, the force used must still be reasonable and proportionate to the threat faced.