L.L.M (Master Of Laws) PU-CET P.G 2016 Panjab University Entrance Exam With Answers

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Death Under IPC Denotes

A: Death Of Human Being
B: Death Of Animal
C: Death Of Animal And Human Being
D: Death Of Either Human Being Or Animal

The answer is: A


The correct answer is A: Death of Human Being.

In the context of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), the term "death" typically refers to the death of a human being. The IPC is a criminal code in India that defines and prescribes punishments for various offenses committed against individuals, society, and the state.

While the IPC does contain provisions related to offenses against animals, the term "death" within the code generally pertains to the loss of human life. The code addresses crimes such as murder, culpable homicide, and causing death by negligence, all of which involve the unlawful killing of a human being.

Therefore, option A is the correct answer as it accurately reflects the meaning of "death" under the IPC.