Environment And Road Safety Education And Violence Against Women And Children And Drug Abuse 2020 Exam With Answers

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Which of the following sector is the single largest consumer of water accounting for about 93% of the total fresh water in India?

A: Industry
B: Agriculture
C: Power
D: Domestic

The answer is: B


The sector that is the single largest consumer of water, accounting for about 93% of the total fresh water in India, is:


Agriculture is the sector that utilizes the highest proportion of fresh water resources in India. This is primarily due to the extensive irrigation practices employed in agricultural activities across the country. Agriculture is a water-intensive sector, requiring significant amounts of water for crop irrigation and other related purposes.

The majority of agricultural water use in India is for traditional irrigation methods such as flood irrigation and surface irrigation. However, there has been an increasing emphasis on promoting more efficient irrigation techniques such as drip irrigation and sprinkler systems to optimize water usage in agriculture.

The remaining percentage of fresh water in India is used by other sectors such as industry, domestic consumption, and ecosystem needs. However, it is worth noting that the agricultural sector remains the largest consumer of water resources in the country.