Environment And Road Safety Education And Violence Against Women And Children And Drug Abuse 2020 Exam With Answers

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The concept about wrongs and rights for the environment is known as

A: Environmental Protection
B: Environmental Awakening
C: Environmental Conservation
D: Environmental Ethics

The answer is: D


The concept about wrongs and rights for the environment is known as:

(D) Environmental Ethics.

Environmental ethics is a philosophical discipline that deals with moral principles and values relating to the environment and human interactions with nature. It explores questions of right and wrong, ethical responsibilities, and moral obligations concerning the environment.

Environmental ethics encompasses various aspects such as the moral consideration of non-human entities, the value of biodiversity, sustainable resource use, and the ethical implications of human actions on the environment. It seeks to provide a framework for making ethical decisions and guiding environmental policies and practices.

While the other options, such as environmental protection, environmental awakening, and environmental conservation, are related to environmental concerns, they do not specifically refer to the concept of moral rights and wrongs in relation to the environment, which is central to environmental ethics.