Environment And Road Safety Education And Violence Against Women And Children And Drug Abuse 2022 Exam With Answers

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Semi decomposed dark organic matter is known as:

A: Humus
B: Litter
C: Soil
D: None of the above

The answer is: A


Semi decomposed dark organic matter is known as humus. Humus is a dark, organic material that forms as a result of the decomposition of plant and animal remains. It is typically found in the top layer of soil, known as the humus layer or O horizon, and is rich in organic nutrients.

Humus is the end product of the decomposition process, where microorganisms break down organic matter, such as dead leaves, plant debris, and animal waste. It is characterized by its dark color, spongy texture, and ability to retain moisture and nutrients in the soil.

Humus plays a vital role in soil fertility and ecosystem health. It improves soil structure, enhances water retention capacity, promotes nutrient cycling, and provides a favorable environment for beneficial soil organisms. Humus also contributes to the overall fertility of the soil by releasing essential nutrients slowly over time, making them available to plants.

The presence of humus in soil is an important indicator of soil health and quality. It is often associated with fertile and well-drained soils, as it contributes to aeration, moisture retention, and nutrient availability, supporting plant growth and productivity.