B.Ed (CHANDIGARH) 2022 Entrance Exam With Answers

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Which of the following can be considered as the most suitable title for the passage ?

Ecosystems provide people with variety of goods and services, food, clean water, clean air, flood control, soil stabilization, pollination, climate regulation, spiritual fulfilment and aesthetic enjoyment, to name just a few. Most of these benefits are either irreplaceable or the technology necessary to replace them is prohibitively expensive. For example, potable fresh water can be provided by desalinating sea water, but only at great cost. The rapidly expanding human population has greatly modified the earth’s ecosystem to meet their increased requirements of some of the goods and services, particularly food, freshwater, timber, fibre and fuel. These modifications have contributed substantially to human well-being and economic development. The benefits have not been equally distributed. Some people have actually been harmed by these changes. Moreover, short term increases in some ecosystem’s goods and services have come at the cost of long-term degradation of others. For example, efforts to increase the production of food and fibre have decreased the ability of some ecosystem to provide clean water, regulate flooding and support biodiversity.
A: Modification of our ecosystem
B: Our natural resources
C: Harmful effect of increase in human population
D: Human interference in our ecosystem

The answer is: A