PGLAW 2018 Panjab University Entrance Exam With Answers

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Three Pronouncements Of 'Talaq' In immediate Succession, Instant Divorce In Muslim Law Is Called

A: Talaq-ul-Bidaat
B: Talaq-ul-Sunna
C: Khula
D: Zihar

The answer is: A


The three pronouncements of 'talaq' in immediate succession, which result in instant divorce in Muslim law, are known as "Talaq-ul-Bidaat". It is also referred to as "Triple Talaq" or "Instant Talaq".

Talaq-ul-Bidaat is considered an innovation (bid'ah) in Islamic jurisprudence since it is not mentioned in the Quran or Hadith. It is believed to be a form of divorce that is against the principles of justice, as it does not provide the husband and wife with an opportunity for reconciliation or counseling before the divorce is finalized.

The practice of Talaq-ul-Bidaat was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court of India in 2017. The court stated that the practice is not an essential part of Islamic faith and violates the principles of gender equality and justice. The court also directed the government to enact a law regulating the practice of divorce among Muslims.

To conclude, the correct answer is option A: Talaq-ul-Bidaat.