PGLAW 2019 Panjab University Entrance Exam With Answers

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Choose The Best Word Which Expresses The Meaning Of CANNY

A: Clever
B: Obstinate
C: Stout
D: Handsome

The answer is: A


The correct answer is A: "Clever".

The word "canny" is an adjective that means showing good judgment and shrewdness, especially in money or business matters. It can also refer to being careful and cautious in dealing with situations or people.

Option A: "Clever" is the best choice because it suggests intelligence, astuteness, and a good sense of judgment, which are all qualities that are associated with being "canny".

Option B: "Obstinate" means stubborn and refusing to change one's opinions or actions, which is the opposite of the meaning of "canny".

Option C: "Stout" means strong and robust, which is not related to the meaning of "canny".

Option D: "Handsome" means attractive in appearance, which is not related to the meaning of "canny".

Therefore, the correct answer is A: "Clever".