PGLAW 2019 Panjab University Entrance Exam With Answers

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Choose One Word Which Can Be Substituted For The Given Sentence : A Style In Which A Writer Makes A Display Of His Knowledge

A: Pedantic
B: Ornate
C: Pompous
D: Verbose

The answer is: A


The correct answer is A: Pedantic.

The word "pedantic" means excessively concerned with minor details or rules, especially in teaching. In the context of the given sentence, a writer who makes a display of his knowledge is trying to show off his expertise, often by using complex and obscure words or references. This behavior can be seen as pedantic.

The other options are not as appropriate. "Ornate" means decorated with complex patterns, which is not related to the writer's behavior. "Pompous" means arrogant or self-important, which is related to behavior but not specifically related to displaying knowledge. "Verbose" means using too many words, which is related to behavior but not specifically related to displaying knowledge.

Therefore, the correct word that can be substituted for the given sentence is A: Pedantic.