B.A./B.COM. LL.B. (5 YEAR LAW / U.G. LAW) Panjab University Entrance Exam 2016 : MCQs and Answer Key

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Mother's Milk Is Preferred To Cow's Milk Especially For Children, Because, It Contains :

A: More Fats And Less Lipids
B: Less Fats Less Lipids
C: More Fats And More Lipids
D: Less Fats And More Lipids

The answer is: D


Mother's milk is preferred to cow's milk especially for children because it contains less fats and more lipids. Lipids are an essential component of mother's milk and are important for the growth and development of the baby's brain and nervous system.

Mother's milk also contains a higher percentage of lactose, which is a type of sugar that is easily digested by the baby's digestive system. Cow's milk, on the other hand, contains a higher percentage of proteins and minerals that are not well-suited for the baby's immature digestive system.

In addition, mother's milk contains antibodies and other immune factors that help protect the baby from infections and other diseases. These protective factors are not present in cow's milk.

Therefore, the answer is D: Less fats and more lipids.