PGLAW 2018 Panjab University Entrance Exam With Answers

Practice Mode:

Who Of The Following Was/Were Economic Critic/Critics Of Colonialism In India :-

(i) Dadabhai Naoroji

(ii) G. Subramania Iyer

(iii) R.C. Dutt

Select The Correct Answer Using The Code Given Below :
A: Only (i)
B: (i) And (ii) Only
C: (ii) And (iii) Only
D: (i), (ii) And (iii)

The answer is: D


The correct answer is (D): (i), (ii), and (iii) were all economic critics of colonialism in India.

Dadabhai Naoroji is widely regarded as one of the earliest economic critics of colonialism in India. He argued that the economic policies of the British colonial government were draining India of its resources and impoverishing its people. He also founded the Indian National Congress in 1885, which became the primary political organization working towards Indian independence.

G. Subramania Iyer was another important economic critic of colonialism in India. He was a journalist and political activist who wrote extensively about the negative economic impact of British rule on India. He argued that the British were exploiting India's resources and labor for their own benefit, and that this was keeping India in a state of poverty and underdevelopment.

R.C. Dutt was a historian and economist who also wrote extensively about the economic impact of colonialism in India. He argued that the British had disrupted India's traditional economic structures and had created a system that benefited the British at the expense of the Indian people. He advocated for greater Indian control over the country's economic affairs and called for the development of Indian industries and infrastructure.

All three of these figures played important roles in raising awareness about the negative economic impact of colonialism in India and advocating for greater Indian control over the country's economic affairs.