Authority : Meanings And Characteritics


Authority refers to the legitimate power to make decisions and enforce rules within a political system. Authority is a critical aspect of governance and is necessary for the effective functioning of any organised society.

Authority can be held by individuals, such as a monarch or president, or by institutions, such as a government or legislative body. It can be based on formal rules and laws, such as a constitution, or on informal norms and traditions.


According to Robert A. Dahl, legitimate power is often referred to as authority. Dahl believed that authority is a type of power that is based on the consent of the governed, meaning that the decisions and actions of those in positions of authority are accepted and obeyed by the majority of people because they believe that these individuals have the right to make decisions and enforce them. In this sense, authority is a type of power that is rooted in social norms and values and is seen as legitimate and acceptable by the people.


  1. ACCEPTANCE AND RESPECT : Authority is often accepted and respected by those over whom it is exercised. This means that people generally recognize the right of those in positions of authority to make decisions and enforce them.
  2. LEGITIMACY : Authority is considered legitimate when it is based on a fair and just system of laws and regulations. This means that the authority figure has the right to make decisions and enforce them based on the rules and laws of the society.
  3. ACCOUNTABILITY : Authority carries with it a sense of responsibility for the decisions made and the actions taken. Authority figures are expected to act in the best interests of those they are responsible for and to be accountable for their actions.
  4. RATIONALITY : Authority is often based on reason and logic, and the decisions made by those in positions of authority are based on sound judgment and the best available information.
  5. NON-MATERIAL : Authority is not necessarily tied to material resources or wealth. It is a form of power that is based on social consensus and the belief in the legitimacy of those in positions of authority.


authority is a complex concept that refers to the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience. It can refer to the power held by individuals or institutions, such as the government, to exercise control over others. According to Robert A. Dahl and other political scientists, authority is characterized by acceptance and respect, legitimacy, accountability, rationality, and a lack of dependence on material resources. Authority is a key factor in maintaining order and stability in society and is often based on social consensus and the belief in the legitimacy of those in positions of authority. However, it is important to note that authority can take many different forms and can be influenced by a variety of factors, such as cultural norms, political structures, and historical context.