Familial Problems : Violence Against Children


Violence against children is a severe and prevalent issue that affects millions of children worldwide. Familial problems, such as child abuse and neglect, are among the most common forms of violence against children. Children who are exposed to violence at home are at an increased risk of experiencing mental health problems, physical injuries, and even death. Moreover, the effects of violence can last well into adulthood, affecting a child's ability to form healthy relationships, succeed in school, and live a fulfilling life.

Familial problems that result in violence against children can take many forms, such as physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, and exploitation. These forms of violence can occur within any family, regardless of socioeconomic status, culture, or geography.


Violence against children can have severe and long-lasting consequences, affecting various aspects of their lives. Here are some of the problems associated with violence against children:

  1. PHYSICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL HARM : Violence can cause physical injuries to children, such as bruises, cuts, broken bones, and even death. It can also result in emotional and psychological trauma, leading to anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and other mental health issues. These effects can last well into adulthood, affecting a child's ability to form healthy relationships and cope with stress.
  2. DISRUPTION OF NORMAL DEVELOPMENT : Violence can disrupt a child's normal development, leading to delays in socialisation, language development, and cognitive skills. Children who experience violence may struggle with trust, self-esteem, and emotional regulation, making it harder for them to succeed in school and form healthy relationships in the future.
  3. PERPETUATION OF HARMFUL POWER DYNAMICS : Violence can perpetuate harmful power dynamics and cycles of abuse that can be passed down through generations. Children who witness or experience violence at home may be more likely to become perpetrators or victims of violence in the future.
  4. STIGMATISATION AND MARGINALISATION : Children who experience violence may be stigmatised and marginalised, leading to further isolation and harm. They may feel ashamed or blame themselves for the violence they experienced, and may struggle to seek help or support.
  5. SOCIETAL AND ECONOMIC COSTS : Violence against children has significant societal and economic costs. It can lead to healthcare costs, loss of productivity, and a burden on social services. Children who experience violence may require medical and psychological care, and may struggle to reach their full potential, leading to a loss of productivity and economic potential.

Overall, violence against children is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach to prevention and intervention. It is essential to raise awareness of the problem, provide support to children and families affected by violence, and hold perpetrators accountable for their actions. By working together, we can create a safer and more nurturing environment for children and help them reach their full potential.


Violence against children can have multiple causes, many of which are interrelated and complex. Here are some of the key factors that contribute to violence against children:

  1. SOCIETAL ACCEPTANCE OF VIOLENCE : Violence against children can be reinforced through media, culture, and norms around punishment and discipline. In some cultures, physical punishment is seen as an acceptable form of discipline, and violent behaviour may be glamorised in the media. This can lead to a lack of awareness about the harmful effects of violence on children and can perpetuate harmful behaviours.
  2. POVERTY AND ECONOMIC INSECURITY : Poverty can lead to increased stress and frustration among caregivers, making them more likely to resort to violent behaviour. Additionally, children from impoverished backgrounds may be more vulnerable to exploitation and forced labour, putting them at increased risk of violence.
  3. MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE : Caregivers who experience mental health issues or substance abuse may be more likely to engage in violent behaviour towards children. Mental health issues can contribute to aggression, while substance abuse can impair judgement and lead to unpredictable behaviour.
  4. BREAKDOWN OF SOCIAL STRUCTURES AND SUPPORT NETWORKS : The breakdown of social structures and support networks, such as extended family, community, and religious organisations, can leave children vulnerable to abuse. Children who lack support networks may be more isolated and more easily targeted by abusers.
  5. GENDER-BASED DISCRIMINATION AND INEQUALITY : Girls may be disproportionately affected by violence due to gender-based discrimination and inequality. In some cultures, girls may be viewed as less valuable than boys, leading to a higher incidence of violence towards them.

It is essential to recognise that violence against children is often the result of multiple factors, and addressing this issue requires a comprehensive and integrated approach. This may include education and awareness-raising campaigns, strengthening social support networks, and providing mental health and substance abuse treatment for caregivers. Additionally, interventions may focus on addressing poverty and economic insecurity, as well as gender-based discrimination and inequality.


Preventing violence against children requires a multifaceted approach that addresses the underlying causes of violence and provides support and protection for children and families. Here are some of the key prevention strategies:

  1. EDUCATION AND AWARENESS-RAISING PROGRAMS : Education and awareness-raising programs for parents, caregivers, and children can promote non-violent discipline and healthy communication. These programs can help parents and caregivers develop positive parenting skills and promote healthy relationships between children and their caregivers.
  2. EARLY INTERVENTION AND SUPPORT : Early intervention and support for at-risk families can include counselling, parenting education, and financial assistance. By providing support and resources to families before violence occurs, it may be possible to prevent violence from happening in the first place.
  3. LEGAL AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE RESPONSES : Strong legal and criminal justice responses to violence against children can act as a deterrent and provide justice for victims. This can include strict penalties for perpetrators, as well as support for victims and their families.
  4. ACCESS TO SAFE HOUSING AND MEDICAL CARE : Children who experience violence need access to safe housing and medical care. This may involve providing emergency shelter and medical care for children who have experienced violence, as well as ongoing support and counselling.
  5. INVESTMENT IN CHILD PROTECTION SYSTEMS AND SOCIAL POLICIES : Investment in child protection systems and social policies that address the root causes of violence, including poverty, inequality, and gender discrimination, can help prevent violence against children. This may involve supporting policies and programs that promote gender equality, reduce poverty, and provide support to vulnerable families.

Overall, preventing violence against children requires a comprehensive approach that addresses the underlying causes of violence and provides support and protection for children and families. By working together, governments, communities, and individuals can help create a world where all children are safe and free from violence.


In conclusion, violence against children is a pervasive issue that can have significant negative impacts on a child's physical and mental health, socialisation, and overall well-being. It is caused by various factors, including societal acceptance of violence, poverty, mental health issues, and gender-based discrimination.

Preventing violence against children requires a comprehensive approach that addresses the underlying causes of violence and provides support and protection for children and families. This may involve education and awareness-raising programs, early intervention and support, legal and criminal justice responses, access to safe housing and medical care, and investment in child protection systems and social policies.

Ultimately, it is our responsibility as individuals and society to work together to prevent violence against children and ensure that they can grow up in a safe and nurturing environment. Through collective efforts, we can create a world where all children can thrive and reach their full potential.