Justice : Meaning And Its Various Dimensions


Justice is a complex concept that refers to the idea of fairness and moral righteousness in society. Justice is derived from the Latin word 'Jus' which means Bond or Tie. Justice means a system in which men are tied in close relationships. It encompasses a wide range of values and principles that promote moral, ethical, and legal obligations for the equitable distribution of resources, rights, and obligations.


According to Salmond, " Justice means to provide everybody his share.' This definition emphasizes the idea that justice involves giving each person their fair share or what is rightfully owed to them. Salmond's definition captures the idea of distributive justice, which is concerned with the fair distribution of resources and benefits within a society. It also reflects the idea of legal justice, which involves the application of the law in a fair and impartial manner.



  1. LEGAL JUSTICE : It refers to the administration of law in a fair and impartial manner. It involves the application of the legal system to ensure that laws are applied consistently and equitably to all individuals. Legal justice also involves protecting the rights of individuals and ensuring that the legal system is accessible and accountable to everyone.
  2. DISTRIBUTIVE JUSTICE : It concerns the fair distribution of resources, benefits, and burdens within a society. It aims to ensure that everyone has equal access to the necessities of life and that the distribution of wealth and resources is equitable.
  3. RETRIBUTIVE JUSTICE : It involves punishing individuals who have committed a wrongdoing. It aims to restore balance to society by holding individuals accountable for their actions and ensuring that the punishment fits the crime.
  4. PROCEDURAL JUSTICE : It refers to the fairness of the processes and procedures used to make decisions and resolve disputes. It involves ensuring that individuals are treated fairly and equitably in legal proceedings and that they have access to due process.
  5. RESTORATIVE JUSTICE : It focuses on repairing harm caused by wrongdoing, rather than punishing the offender. It involves restoring the victim-offender relationship and aims to bring healing to both the victim and the offender.
  6. INTERPERSONAL JUSTICE : It concerns the fairness and equity of individual interactions and relationships. It involves treating others with respect and dignity, and it requires individuals to be honest, trustworthy, and impartial in their dealings with others.


Justice is a complex and multifaceted concept that encompasses a wide range of values and principles. The pursuit of justice is essential for maintaining social stability, protecting individual rights, and promoting equality. By ensuring fairness and impartiality in the treatment of individuals and communities, justice promotes trust and cooperation in society and helps to resolve conflicts in a peaceful and equitable manner.