Role Of Voluntary Sector In Development


The voluntary sector, also known as the non-profit sector or the third sector, is an essential part of any society. It comprises organizations that operate for the public good, rather than for profit. These organizations are often driven by a social, cultural, or environmental purpose, and they play a critical role in promoting development and enhancing the well-being of communities.

The voluntary sector can take many forms, including charities, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), community groups, and faith-based organizations. These organizations can be local, national, or international in scope, and they may operate in various fields such as health, education, environment, human rights, and poverty alleviation.

The role of the voluntary sector in development is multifaceted. It can provide important services and support that may not be provided by the government or private sector. These services can range from the provision of basic needs such as food, shelter, and healthcare, to advocacy and campaigning for social change. Voluntary sector organizations can also provide a platform for community participation and engagement, empowering individuals to take ownership of their own development.

Overall, the voluntary sector can play a critical role in promoting development, building social capital, and improving the quality of life for individuals and communities. Its contributions can be significant in addressing social and environmental challenges, promoting civic engagement, and fostering a more equitable and sustainable world.


  1. EMPOWERMENT OF MARGINALIZED COMMUNITIES : The voluntary sector plays an essential role in empowering marginalized communities, including those who are disadvantaged by poverty, discrimination, or lack of access to resources. By working with communities directly, these organizations can help individuals gain the skills, knowledge, and resources necessary to participate fully in their own development. This may include providing education and training, facilitating access to resources, and building social networks that empower people to take collective action. Voluntary sector organizations can also provide support for marginalized groups in areas such as health, education, and human rights, promoting equality and social justice.
  2. SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP : The voluntary sector can also play a significant role in promoting social entrepreneurship, which refers to the creation of enterprises that address social and environmental problems while also generating revenue. These enterprises can help to create jobs, drive economic growth, and promote social and environmental sustainability. Voluntary sector organizations can support social entrepreneurship by providing funding, training, and networking opportunities to entrepreneurs, as well as helping to raise awareness about the importance of social entrepreneurship.
  3. CAPACITY BUILDING : Capacity building refers to the process of strengthening the abilities of individuals, organizations, and communities to achieve their goals effectively. The voluntary sector plays a vital role in capacity building by providing training, mentoring, and technical assistance to individuals and organizations working in various fields such as education, health, and environment. By strengthening the capacity of organizations and communities, the voluntary sector can help to promote sustainable development and enhance the effectiveness of development initiatives.
  4. AWARENESS AND ADVOCACY : The voluntary sector also plays a crucial role in raising awareness about social and environmental issues, advocating for policy changes, and mobilizing public support for social and environmental causes. By using various communication channels, including social media, print media, and public events, voluntary sector organizations can help to increase public understanding of complex issues and promote positive change. Additionally, by engaging in advocacy efforts, these organizations can influence policy decisions and promote social and environmental justice.
  5. SERVICE DELIVERY : Finally, the voluntary sector plays an essential role in delivering services to communities that may not be adequately served by the government or private sector. These services may include providing food, shelter, healthcare, education, and other basic needs. By working directly with communities, the voluntary sector can provide services that are tailored to the specific needs of individuals and communities. Additionally, these organizations can play a crucial role in responding to emergencies and disasters, providing relief and recovery services to those affected.


In conclusion, the voluntary sector plays a critical role in promoting development and enhancing the well-being of individuals and communities. Through various activities such as empowerment of marginalized communities, social entrepreneurship, capacity building, awareness and advocacy, and service delivery, the voluntary sector can address social and environmental challenges and promote social justice and equity.

The voluntary sector is often driven by a social, cultural, or environmental purpose, and it operates for the public good rather than for profit. Its contributions can be significant in addressing complex issues such as poverty, inequality, and climate change, and it can provide a platform for community participation and engagement, empowering individuals to take ownership of their own development.

Overall, the voluntary sector is an essential partner in the development process, working alongside the government and private sector to create a more equitable and sustainable world. Its contributions are crucial to building social capital, promoting civic engagement, and improving the quality of life for individuals and communities.