The Afghans : Establishment Of Afghan Power Under Sher Shah Suri


"The Afghans: Establishment of Afghan Power under Sher Shah Suri" is a significant historical account of the rise of Afghan power during the 16th century under the leadership of Sher Shah Suri. Sher Shah Suri was a brilliant military commander who rose to prominence during a period of political upheaval in India. He challenged the Mughal emperor Humayun and established the Sur dynasty, which ruled over a large part of northern India from 1540 to 1555. The book provides an in-depth analysis of the political, military, and economic factors that contributed to the rise of Afghan power in the region. It also sheds light on the administration and governance system implemented by Sher Shah Suri, which became a model for future rulers. Overall, the book is an essential read for anyone interested in the history of South Asia and the political and military strategies employed by leaders during that time.


Sher Shah Suri, born Farid Khan, was a Pashtun leader who rose to power in the region of Bihar and Bengal in the 16th century. He belonged to the Sur tribe, which was a sub-tribe of the larger Afghan tribes. Farid Khan started his career as a simple soldier and rose through the ranks due to his exceptional skills in warfare and his ability to gain the loyalty of his troops.

In 1539, Sher Shah Suri defeated the Mughal emperor Humayun in the Battle of Chausa and forced him to flee India. This marked the beginning of Sher Shah's rise to power. The following year, Sher Shah Suri defeated Humayun again in the Battle of Kannauj and established his control over northern India. He declared himself the king and established the Sur dynasty in 1540 CE.

Sher Shah Suri's reign was characterized by his administrative and military prowess. He was an able administrator who introduced several reforms to improve the governance of his kingdom. He introduced a new system of revenue collection, which was based on the measurement of the land, and also introduced the use of silver coins as currency. He established a postal system, which allowed for faster communication across his kingdom.

Sher Shah Suri was also a brilliant military commander who consolidated his power over large parts of North India. He was known for his just rule and efficient administration, which helped him gain the loyalty of his subjects. He was able to defeat the Mughals in several battles, including the Battle of Chausa and the Battle of Kannauj. He also defeated the Rajputs and the Afghans who were vying for control over the region.

During his reign, Sher Shah Suri undertook several infrastructure projects, including the construction of a new road network and the establishment of several sarais (rest houses) along the routes. He also built several public works projects, including canals and reservoirs, which improved the irrigation system and helped increase agricultural productivity.

Sher Shah Suri's reign marked a period of stability and prosperity in India, which lasted until the arrival of the Mughals. His efficient administration, just rule, and military prowess earned him the respect of his subjects and helped establish the Afghan power in the region. Sher Shah Suri's legacy is still remembered in India today, as his administrative and governance system became a model for future rulers.


In conclusion, Sher Shah Suri's establishment of Afghan power during the 16th century marked a significant period in the history of South Asia. As a Pashtun leader, he rose to power in the region of Bihar and Bengal, and overthrew the Mughal emperor Humayun to establish the Sur dynasty. His reign was characterized by his administrative and military prowess, as he introduced several reforms to improve governance, and consolidated his power over large parts of North India. Sher Shah Suri's just rule and efficient administration helped him gain the loyalty of his subjects and establish the Afghan power in the region. His legacy is still remembered in India today, as his administrative and governance system became a model for future rulers. Overall, Sher Shah Suri's reign marked a period of stability and prosperity in India, which lasted until the arrival of the Mughals.