The Mughal Empire : Land Revenue System


The Mughal Empire was one of the most powerful empires in Indian history, spanning over three centuries from the early 16th century to the mid-19th century. One of the significant contributions of the Mughal Empire was the establishment of an efficient land revenue system.

Under the Mughal Empire, the land revenue system underwent significant changes, which resulted in a more organized and efficient system for tax collection. The Mughals were able to maintain their large empire due to their ability to extract revenue from the lands they controlled. The Mughal emperors introduced a land revenue system that was based on the assessment of the productive potential of land, which was then used to determine the amount of tax that would be levied on it.

This revenue system was not only used to generate income for the state but also played a crucial role in maintaining the social and economic order of the empire. The land revenue system under the Mughals was so effective that it continued to be used even after the decline of the empire and served as a model for later colonial powers in India.

In this essay, we will delve deeper into the Mughal Empire's land revenue system and explore its various features and functions. We will examine how the Mughals implemented this system and how it impacted the social and economic structure of the empire.


The Mughal Empire's land revenue system was a significant contribution to the Indian subcontinent's administrative and economic development. The system was based on the assessment of land, and revenue was collected from landowners in the form of a tax, which was calculated based on the fertility of the land and the crops grown on it.

The land was divided into different categories, each of which was taxed differently. The classification of land was based on its quality, productivity, and irrigation facilities. For example, the best quality land was known as Polaj, which meant that the land was cultivated with two crops per year. Such land was taxed at a higher rate, while less productive land was taxed at a lower rate.

The revenue system was designed to ensure that the state received a fair share of the agricultural produce, while also allowing the farmers to retain a reasonable share of their crops. The tax rate was not fixed and was subject to change based on the local conditions, harvest, and market prices.

The revenue collected from the land was used to fund the administration, including the military, and to provide for the needs of the people. The Mughal Empire had a large army, which required a significant amount of resources to maintain. The revenue collected from the land was also used to build infrastructure such as canals, roads, and bridges.

The land revenue system was closely monitored by the central administration to ensure that it was being implemented fairly and efficiently. The empire was divided into provinces, and each province was under the charge of a governor. The governor was responsible for ensuring that the revenue system was being implemented fairly and efficiently.

The land revenue system played a crucial role in the functioning of the Mughal Empire. It provided the state with a stable source of revenue, which allowed it to fund its administration and maintain its military. The revenue system also ensured that the needs of the people were met, as the revenue collected was used to build infrastructure, provide for the welfare of the people, and promote trade and commerce.

In conclusion, the Mughal Empire's land revenue system was a significant achievement in the field of administration and economic development. It ensured that the state received a fair share of the agricultural produce, while also allowing the farmers to retain a reasonable share of their crops. The revenue collected from the land was used to fund the administration, including the military, and to provide for the needs of the people. The land revenue system played a crucial role in the functioning of the Mughal Empire, as it provided the state with a stable source of revenue and ensured that the needs of the people were met.


To sum up, the Mughal Empire's land revenue system was a vital aspect of their administrative and economic system. The system was designed to assess and collect revenue from landowners based on the quality and productivity of the land. The revenue collected was used to fund the administration, including the military, and to provide for the welfare of the people. The land revenue system was closely monitored by the central administration to ensure that it was being implemented fairly and efficiently.

The land revenue system played a significant role in the functioning of the Mughal Empire, as it provided the state with a stable source of revenue and ensured that the needs of the people were met. The system's efficiency was also demonstrated by the fact that it continued to be used even after the decline of the empire and served as a model for later colonial powers in India. Overall, the Mughal Empire's land revenue system was a remarkable achievement that had a lasting impact on India's administrative and economic history.