Political Socialisation : Meaning, Characteritics And Agencies


Political socialisation refers to the process through which individuals learn about politics and develop their political beliefs, values, and attitudes. This process begins in early childhood and continues throughout a person's life, as they are exposed to various political messages, experiences, and interactions.


According to David Easton," Political Socialisation may be defined as the development processes through which persons acquire political orientation and pattern behaviour. " 


  1. UNIVERSAL IN NATURE : Political socialization occurs in all societies and is a universal process that affects all individuals, regardless of their background or cultural differences.
  2. CONTINUOUS PROCESS : Political socialization is a lifelong process that begins in childhood and continues throughout an individual's life. It is influenced by new experiences and changes in the political environment, and can result in shifts in political attitudes and beliefs over time.
  3. MULTIFACETED : Political socialization is influenced by a variety of sources, including family, friends, education, media, and personal experiences. These sources provide different perspectives and viewpoints, which can lead to a diverse and nuanced understanding of politics.
  4. SHAPES POLITICAL ATTITUDES : Political socialization plays a significant role in shaping an individual's political attitudes, beliefs, and values. It helps to form an individual's political identity and influences how they view and participate in the political process.
  5. TRANSMITS VALUES AND NORMS : Political socialization helps to transmit the values and norms of a political system from one generation to the next. This helps to ensure the continuity and stability of the political system, and helps to maintain its core beliefs and values over time.


  1. FAMILY : The family is one of the primary agents of political socialization, and plays a significant role in shaping an individual's political attitudes, beliefs, and values. Children often internalize the political views of their parents and family members, and these early experiences can have a lasting impact on their political development.
  2. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS : Schools, colleges, and universities are important sources of political socialization, and play a crucial role in transmitting political knowledge and values to young people. Formal education provides students with a broad understanding of political systems, institutions, and ideologies, and helps to develop critical thinking skills and civic engagement.
  3. MASS MEDIA : The media, including television, radio, and newspapers, plays a significant role in shaping public opinion and political attitudes. The media provides information, analysis, and commentary on political events, and can influence how individuals view political issues and leaders.
  4. SOCIETY : Society as a whole can be seen as an agent of political socialization, as individuals are constantly exposed to and influenced by the values and norms of their community. Social norms and cultural traditions can shape political attitudes and beliefs, and help to reinforce or challenge existing political values and beliefs.
  5. PRESSURE GROUPS : Pressure groups, also known as interest groups, are organizations that seek to influence public policy and decision-making on specific issues. Pressure groups can play a role in political socialization by providing information and raising awareness about political issues and encouraging individuals to take political action.
  6. POLITICAL PARTIES : Political parties are an important agent of political socialization, as they represent different ideologies and political viewpoints. Political parties can help to shape an individual's political identity and influence their political attitudes and beliefs.
  7. CINEMA : Cinema and other forms of popular culture, such as music and literature, can also play a role in political socialization by influencing the values, beliefs, and attitudes of individuals. These cultural expressions can reflect and reinforce existing political norms and values, or challenge and subvert them.
  8. EXPERIENCE OF PEOPLE : Personal experiences, such as voting, participating in protests or demonstrations, or engaging in political activism, can also play a role in political socialization. These experiences can help to shape an individual's political attitudes and beliefs, and encourage greater civic engagement and political participation.


political socialization is a crucial process that shapes an individual's political attitudes, beliefs, and values. It is a universal, continuous, and multifaceted process that is influenced by a variety of sources, including family, education, media, society, pressure groups, political parties, cinema, and personal experiences. Political socialization helps to ensure the continuity and stability of a political system by transmitting its values and norms from one generation to the next, and plays a significant role in shaping the political culture of a society. Overall, political socialization is an essential aspect of political development, and helps to foster informed and active citizens who can participate in the political process and contribute to the well-being of their community and society as a whole.