PGLAW 2019 Panjab University Entrance Exam With Answers

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Husband And Wife Have The Right To Each Other's Company. This Right Is Called

A: Marital Right
B: Conjugal Right
C: Civil Right
D: Joint Family Right

The answer is: B


The right of a husband and wife to each other's company is called the conjugal right.

The conjugal right is an important aspect of the marital relationship and refers to the right of both spouses to enjoy each other's company, companionship, and physical intimacy. It is considered a fundamental right in many legal systems, and any violation of this right can be grounds for legal action.

The conjugal right is also closely linked to the duty of spousal support, which requires both spouses to support and care for each other, both emotionally and physically. In many legal systems, the conjugal right is seen as an integral part of the broader right to privacy, which includes the right to intimate association and the right to engage in consensual sexual activity.

The conjugal right is not an absolute right and can be limited or restricted in certain circumstances, such as when one spouse is abusive or when there are health concerns. However, any limitations on the conjugal right must be based on legitimate grounds and must not unreasonably infringe upon the fundamental rights of either spouse.